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Our Services

Our Services
Let Cabot Square be your partner in your business - turn over your Accounting and Financial Reporting (AFR) to us.

We work with you to create a seamless relationship to help your business run smoothly, while making sure you are doing what you need to do to increase your profits and reduce your taxes.


We do this in a number of ways by helping you record and interpret financial data to make better business decisions.


Why is it important to maintain good accounts?


There are three primary reasons:


  1. Better Management Control — All business owners need to have a tool to determine what results have been achieved in the past to make decisions for the future. Good records enable you to substitute informed judgment for guesswork in making business decisions.

  2. Proof of Credit Worthiness — Time after time, statistics have revealed that almost 80% of business failures result from an inability to avoid certain conditions that adequate records would have disclosed in time to correct. Records are a basic necessity in securing a loan. Few banks or other lending institutions are willing to negotiate loans without properly prepared financial statements that can only be compiled from the proper records.

  3. Support for Tax Reports — There are many tax returns that are required by federal, state and even municipal governmental agencies: income tax, business tax, franchise tax, property tax and payroll tax. The list seems endless, doesn’t it? As your partner in your business, we can take care of all of this so you can focus on doing what you went into business for in the first place! 




Cabot Square has a System for helping your business grow and be profitable. It’s part of our overall "Systems for Success" that have helped so many of our business and individual clients reach their goals. Some of our AFR System features include:


  • A customized data gathering approach tailored to your business. Whatever your business, we’ll help you collect the necessary information in a way that’s most convenient for you. We have special work papers that make it simple. We’ll also work with your bank to have your statements mailed directly to us. We even provide you with special envelopes—if it looks like something you should give to us, just send it along, as we’ll take care of it!


  • Tools that can be used by and for any business—corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, large or small, in any industry. Ask us about our proprietary "daily books" that make it easy to record information if your business is a gas station or auto repair shop.


  • A Duplicate Check approach so that you can maintain the original check while the duplicates are sent to us for processing. You always have a record of your transaction and we’ll be able to communicate better because we’ll both have the same numbered document.


  • Software that provides customisable financial reports so you see the numbers you want to see every month in a professional, easy-to-understand format.


  • Key Financial Reports delivered timely to you, your bank, your supplier or any other interested party you designate.


  • Access to a secure, on-line virtual file cabinet for easy exchange of your information with our professionals if you choose to transfer your information files over the web.


  • Integration with other Cabot Square tools and systems, such as our Payroll Processing Center and Tax Compliance Center, to provide a complete and streamlined business advisory package.




There are a number of reasons to have Cabot Square professionals working for you and your business, but we'll bottom line it for you:


By having us take care of all your accounting and financial reporting needs:

  • You save time and can focus on your core services.

  • You improve your decision-making capabilities with the information you get from us.

  • Your records, reports and returns will be free from inaccuracies because we guarantee our work.

  • You’ll save money when compared to hiring an in-house bookkeeper and accountant.

  • You’ll be able you to understand your business better.


Getting Started


It's easy to get started using Cabot Square's AFR Services. Here's how:

Contact Us Today


Call one of our representatives now toll-free at 02 9485 0500. Our customer care representatives will be happy to answer any questions about the level of services that you may need, and discuss ways that our professionals can help your company with any of your accounting and financial reporting requirements. One of the important roles of our customer care representatives is to help determine which of our offices are best suited to you, as not all services are performed at each office.


You can also email us at


Make an Appointment To Meet With a Cabot Square Owner/Manager


Once you have decided that you would welcome Cabot Square as a partner in your business, the next step is to have your local office owner/manager meet with you at your place of business. It's easier for you and you don't have to transport any of your documents or records.


Discuss Your Needs with Us


Our Cabot Square professional will help assess your business and your reporting needs. It would be helpful to have the following documents on hand:


  • Current financial reports, if any

  • Your cheque book

  • Any prior year tax returns, if any

  • Any prior payroll tax reports, if any


That's it! We'll walk you through our System, show you the different options you have, and get you started as quickly and easily as possible.


Need More Information?


If you're still not sure about contacting us and would like more information, why not see what some of our clients and the media have to say about us?

© 2020 by Cabot Square Chartered Accountants. 

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